Teachers celebrating the roaring 20's with students for the 20th day of school.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
Helena Flats families we are having a School Collaboration Day for all staff on Friday 9/27/2024. There is no school for students.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
6th Grade Helena Flats students had a great time at Big Creek last week.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
Our Boys Basketball student and parent interest meeting is today 9/23/2024 at 6:00pm in the Helena Flats Library. We look forward to seeing any interested families.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
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Congratulations to our Helena Flats September Students of the Month, Kinsley Muhonen (Kindergarten) and Sophia Roberti (5th grade).
4 months ago, Mike Barton
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The Boys Basketball parent meeting is Monday September 23, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Helena Flats School Library. We look forward to seeing any interested athletes and parents.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
basketball pic
Good afternoon, Helena Flats families. As we approach wet and/or winter weather please ensure students arrive to school with weather dependent clothing. For wet weather they should come with jackets and waterproof shoes if possible. For winter, please ensure they come with coats, gloves, and winter pants if necessary. Please review the attached image for possible winter weather temperature guidelines. Thank You for helping us support your children and have a great day.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
The start of the year has been fantastic. Thank you for sharing your kids with us. Here is a link to the new Chief Chatter. https://secure.smore.com/n/cqu36-chief-chatter
4 months ago, Mike Barton
Join our Team! We are hiring a Teacher on Special Assignment with some Counseling duties. Employment applications can be found on the Helena Flats website under employment.
4 months ago, Mike Barton
We look forward to seeing our Helena Flats families Thursday, September 5, 2024 from 4:00-6:30 pm for our Back to School night! Please see the attached flyer for more details.
5 months ago, Mike Barton
Back to School Night
We are hiring a School Counselor for the 2024-2025 school year. For more information, please visit our website at https://www.helenaflats.org/page/employment
5 months ago, Mike Barton
counselor post
Helena Flats Volleyball practice begins Thursday 8/29/2024 at 3:30pm with a parent meeting following at 4:45pm. Please visit the Helena Flats school website for additional athletic information. Use path: menu-school programs-athletics
5 months ago, Mike Barton
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Our entire staff is very excited for this school year to begin and once again see all those smiling faces! Please read the attached letter to prepare for the start of school.
5 months ago, Mike Barton
principal letter
Back to School Immunizations are available to all Flathead County students. Please see additional information on the attached flyer.
5 months ago, Mike Barton
immunization picture
We are hiring Substitute Teachers for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Please visit our website at https://www.helenaflats.org/page/employment or email mikebarton@helenaflats.org for more information
5 months ago, Mike Barton
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HFS is closed today - Thursday, Jan 18 due to unsafe road conditions, windchill temperatures, and drifting snow. We'll see you tomorrow when we dig out.
12 months ago, Andy Mahera
Dear Helena Flats Families, We wanted to make you aware that last night school officials across the state received threatening messages. These messages were not targeted at Helena Flats or specific districts. We have been in contact with local, state and federal law enforcement on this issue and will take measures as a precaution, but we do not believe there is any abnormal threat to our schools. At this time we are planning on having school as normal tomorrow with these precautions in place.
12 months ago, Andy Mahera
Remember, there is no school tomorrow in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. School resumes on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024.
12 months ago, Allison Hawes
School resumes on Wednesday, January 3rd. We look forward to seeing our students and to a fantastic 2024!
about 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
Remember that Wednesday, December 20th, is an early release! Students get out at 1:30 pm and Winter Break begins! Students do not return to school until January 3, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Allison Hawes