Remember, there is no school tomorrow in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day. School resumes on Tuesday, January 16th, 2024.
about 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
School resumes on Wednesday, January 3rd. We look forward to seeing our students and to a fantastic 2024!
about 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
Remember that Wednesday, December 20th, is an early release! Students get out at 1:30 pm and Winter Break begins! Students do not return to school until January 3, 2024.
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
Candy Grams should have gone home with students on Thursday or Friday. Any orders can be returned to the drop box in the foyer. If you need more tags, you can pick them up at that table as well! Tags and money are due back to the school by December 14th. Candy canes will be delivered to students on December 20th.
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
Students who are attending the History trip in May will be selling the World's Finest Chocolate $1 candy bars during the intermission of the Winter Program. All proceeds from the candy bars will be going back to help fund their trip. Students will only be able to accept cash for candy bars.
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
Santa will be attending our Winter Program again this year!! Families will be able to have their picture taken by Sarah Jump Photography during the intermission for $15. Images will be emailed to families after the concert!
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
PTO will once again be hosting our annual silent auction fundraiser during the Winter Program. All proceeds from the auction will go to further our PTO program by supporting staff and students and hosting family events. The auction will, once again, feature amazing classroom projects as well as donated items. The auction will go live by Wednesday, December 13th at Noon and will run until 8 pm on Friday, December 15th. Items will be available for pickup starting Monday, December 18th through Wednesday, December 20th, before and after school. If these times do not work for you, please email to make other arrangements. Helena Flats PTO can accept cash, check, or Venmo for items purchased. Helena Flats PTO thanks you for supporting our school!
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
The Winter Program will take place on Thursday, December 14th, at 6 PM at Easthaven Church. The doors will open at 5:30 PM and the elementary program will begin at 6 PM. There will be a brief intermission following the elementary program, then the middle school band will perform. Please reach out to Mr. Caverly, our band/music teacher with any questions.
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
On Friday, December 1st, Swan Lake Studio will be back at Helena Flats School for school picture retakes. If you are interested in picture retakes, please send the packet of pictures you ordered to school with your child to give back to the photographer. If you would like to order more pictures, please go online to Swan Lake Studio and use the order code in your picture packet.
over 1 year ago, Allison Hawes
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Hayden Congdon
We're thrilled to announce the new app for Helena Flats! It's everything Helena Flats, in your pocket. Download for Android Download for iPhone
almost 2 years ago, Hayden Congdon
Thanks to our education grant from the Flathead Conservation District, the dedicated partnership of Forestoration, and a generous gift from PTO, the Helena Flats School Montana Native Study Area was installed May 25,2018.
about 2 years ago, Helena Flats School District
Students working outside